LYL FOREVER INC Wholesale Clothing | LYL FOREVER INC Wholesale Apparel

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OrangeShine Vendor Since 2022
Minimum Order: $50
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LYL Forever is a company started by people with a passion for children's clothing. You may wonder what makes us, a little start up, credible. Such a question is perfectly reasonable to wonder, but all of the founders are mothers with multiples kids that have had tons of experience in the fashion industry. Needless to say, our curated selection of children's clothing will be some of the best-looking ones on the internet. We love keeping up to date on the most popular trends whilst combining that style into our own design language, a trendy yet timeless one. In addition to our unique designs, the material of the garments is also incredible for the price. We have scoured countless hours to ensure that the pieces our customers receive are the finest that it can be. Everything from raw materials to the production line are top of the line and deliver incredible value. In the end, our goal as a company is to satisfy the consumers and transforming children's clothing into a more fashionable space.